Bear Gardens Hotel
Location: Southwark, UK
Architect: SPPARC Architecture
This distinctive 75 room boutique hotel has been designed by SPPARC Architecture. Set within the cultural quarter of the Southwark’s Bankside, the ground floor provides rehearsal studios for the Globe Theatre with a direct link into their Sackler Education Building.
39.5mm THK SG Double Glazed Unit (structural silicone edge seal DOW 3362)
Outer = 10mm Sungard SN 70/37 heat soaked
Cavity = 20mm black warm edge spacer, argon filled
268201 localised plastic pocket profiles
Inner = extra clear annealed 9.5mm PVB laminated
u-value = 1.1 w/m2k
G-value = 0.36
The architectural approach to the building is that of a sympathetic integration into the historic grain, the narrow street pattern and the legible line of enclosure is reinforced through the massing and interesting façade treatments of the modern additions that hover above the retained brick warehouses.