Solstice Point
Location: Delancey Street, London, U.K.
Architect: Nick Baker Architects
The site at 86-88 Delancey Street lies immediately adjacent to the town centre of Camden, next to the Parkway Neighbourhood zone and within the Camden Town Conservation Area. The properties from 84 Delancey Street onwards are Grade II listed terraces. Significant consultation with local residents groups and English Heritage was required to secure planning consent. By responding creatively and innovatively to what initially appeared to be urban constraints the design team has created a new dynamic and sustainable architectural feature in this challenging corner of Camden Town.
8.4mm Acoustic Laminate, 16mm Spacer Bar, Argon gas filled, 6mm Vista Therm Elite Extra.
4mm Clear Float, 20mm Spacer, Argon Gas Filled, 4mm Vista Therm Elite Extra.
4mm Clear Toughened, 20mm Spacer, Argon Gas Filled, 4mm Clear Toughened Low-E
6mm Clear Low E, Toughened, 16mm Space, Argon Gas Filled, 6mm Clear Toughened with Full Ceramic.
17.5mm Toughened, Laminated - Balconies.
As one of a limited number of historical crossing points over the main London to Birmingham railway line, the site is a ‘gateway’ location between Regents Park and the vibrant core of Camden Town. The Network Rail tunnel beneath the site presented a number of significant challenges to the construction of the overall building. The 7m curved cantilever is supported by a concrete frame which in turn is separated from the foundations by acoustic 'springs'.